Fishers Rule of Life

Fishers Rule of Life

Some people draw back when they hear the phrase, 'Rule of Life'. In all probability, however,  we already have some rhythms, whether that be regular social gathering with family and friends, our sleep patterns, or exercise habits. We need healthy rhythms to get the most of our lives. Likewise, we need healthy rhythms to get the most of our relationship with Jesus Christ. Each person is different and needs to find their own detailed rhythm with Christ, what commonly is understood as a 'Rule of Life', but we start with some basic rhythms as taught by Christ. Our personal Rule of Life develops from this.

Pray Daily Daily times of prayer forms the basis of our relationship with Christ. Fisher disciples pray at the beginning and the end of day, often in solitude and silence, ocaissionally with others. We use the Lectio 365 App from 24/7 Prayer Movement.

Worship Weekly Sunday is when Fisher disciples join the larger community at Christ Church in worship. Disciples are encouraged to contribute e.g. teach, welcome, offer hospitality, preach, etc. according to gifting.

Retreats Annually Retreats are times of refreshment and listening to God. Fisher disciples take 2 retreats annually, one individually and one with the community. You will need to take annual leave for these.

  • There are many options for individual retreat, including a weekend at Red Hill Christian Centre located near Strafford-upon-Avon, or your own secluded camp site. We have many ideas to inspire you. Fisher disciples should plan their retreat with their spiritual director and go with expectations to find God in solitude and silence, hear the heart of God, and know his love. This retreat will be at your own expense although Christ Church can help if you ask.
  • An annual Christian conference at Keswick will form the community retreat. Accommodation, food and transportation will  be provided by Christ Church. Keswick Convention is a wonderful combination of great bible teaching, optional seminars, and time exploring the Cumbrian fells

Study Twice monthly on Wednesday evenings, Fishers will meet for small group study. You can see more from the 'Fishers Teaching' tab above.

Be discipled and disciple others Fisher disciples are both receive and give discipleship, or mentoring. Each Fishers disciple will have a Spiritual Director with whom they will meet every 2 months. More details are given under the 'Fishers Mentoring' tab above. Additionally, each Fisher disciple will offer spiritual direction to another, possibly a youth, possibly a non-residential Fishers disciple, using the same structure. We will help you setup these relationships.

Tell the Good News of Christ Once a month, the Fishers community will hold a mission and spend time in the community outside the church. This are often not complicated. For example a BBQ, or giving away homemade muffins and a ‘because your loved’ card’. We believe that the community itself is the biggest advertisement for Christ's good news.

Belong to a Small Group The residents of Fishers naturally belong to a small group, but we encourage non-residential to join the journey and come to events as their own small group.

Serve Service can be to those within and without the church. This is a great opportunity to explore your calling.

Share Stuff The world entraps with materialism and the need to own, but Fisher disciples seek freedom through simplicity and sharing.

Eat Together Meals together is an important part of Fishers community, as is inviting guests regularly to sit and eat with us.

Sabbath God gives us rest. We rebel from the world that never stops demands our time, attention and energy, and withdrawal into the life giving arms of God. We choose to enjoy God's presence and the company of the community more fully. It begins Saturday evening with a prayer. The community then enjoys a special meal in the evening, prepared in advance, and then spends the remainder of the evening relaxing with a movie or some other entertainment. After the Sunday morning service, the community enjoys lunch and an outdoor activity. The sabbath ends after the Sunday evening service..

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