Rule of Life

Christ Church Rule of Life

Jesus said, “I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” (John 10:10)

The Christ Church Rule of Life is a healthy spiritual pattern that draws us closer to God. Like a healthy diet or a healthy exercise routine, it releases us to enjoy a fuller life. The Christ Church Rule of Life (or ‘Rule’ for short) is drawn from the life of Christ as seen in scripture,  and monastic traditions new and old. The Rule has 11 elements, and offers a starting point for each. We invite everyone to develop their own relationship with Christ using this Rule, moving at their own pace, and realising more and more of the fullness of life that Jesus promised.

The Rule is summarised as pray daily, worship weekly, retreats annually, study, be discipled and disciple others, tell the good news of Christ, belong to a small group, serve, share stuff, eat together and sabbath. The Rule supports the mission of Christ Church to Worship God, Make Disciples and Transform Communities. We encourage everyone to develop their personal rule of life using this as a starting point.

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