Sunday morning with a difference! We meet in the hall, sit around table in small groups, eat bacon butties, drink coffee and chat about Christ and the bible. There are activities for children always. Note we meet at 10am instead of 10:30am - we just can't wait that long for breakfast! If you can, let us know you're coming!
Fishers is a home for young adults to live, pray and deepen their life in Christ. It is suitable for single men and women, aged 18-28, employed locally, and entering a new phase in their lives, like starting a new job or moving into the area. We offer comfortable, affordable shared accommodation where you will make close friendships, practice rhythms of prayer and discipleship, and be supported by mentors and teachers. Our vision is to help next-generation Christ-followers deepen their faith so it is more authentic, resilient in today’s challenging context, and attractive to others.
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